Mimi Wang


Mimi is focused on common ailments arising from a demanding urban lifestyle, including sleep imbalance, digestive issues, anxiety and compromised immunity. She is inquisitive and committed to investigating the root cause by examining connections to daily routines. She takes a compassionate approach to meet individuals as they are, and creates tailored solutions with an emphasis on achieving balance within each patient’s lifestyle. 

An acupuncture session with Mimi is often complemented with cupping, acupressure and aromatherapy. Mimi is certified through her AcuLift training to provide cosmetic acupuncture with meridian facial massage. Treatment is holistic and effective in boosting collagen, enhancing complexion and improving overall skin health. A strong advocate of self-care, she strives to build a comforting space for patients to recharge and restore their vitality.

Mimi has spent much of her life immersed in Chinese Medicine. She takes inspiration and wisdom from her father, who comes from a lineage of traditional Chinese doctors individually vetted into master-apprentice style training. From an early age, she learned an array of medicinal, dietary and philosophical knowledge. With a passion to help others, she completed her Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner’s education, and participates in an ongoing apprenticeship at her father’s practice. Mimi’s Eastern roots and Western upbringing gives her unique insight into the ever-changing needs of her patients. Mimi is bilingual and able to provide treatments in both English and Mandarin.

Accepts ICBC Patients