The Power of the Physiotherapist and Naturopath Duo in Sports Medicine

At Qi Integrated Health, we don’t believe in one size fits all when it comes to sports medicine. We have physiotherapists and naturopaths working together as a team to create a customized care plan that is tailored to you and your individual needs. In addition to traditional treatments such as massage and physiotherapy, our naturopaths can also administer prolotherapy and durolane injections to help reduce pain in joints, muscles, or tendons. Read on to learn more about why the combination of seeing these two practitioners under one roof makes for an excellent sports medicine team.

The Benefits of Seeing a Physiotherapist 

Physiotherapists are trained professionals who specialize in assessing, diagnosing, treating, and preventing physical impairments or disabilities related to movement dysfunction. At our clinic, we use various manual therapy techniques such as joint mobilizations, muscle releases, stretches, exercises as well as modalities like ultrasound or IFC (interferential current). Visiting a physiotherapist is especially beneficial for anyone looking to improve their range of motion or reduce pain from overuse injuries like tendonitis. 

The Benefits of Seeing a Naturopath 

Naturopathy is another important piece of the puzzle when it comes to injury recovery and prevention. Our naturopathic doctors are specialized healthcare providers who focus on optimizing health through natural treatments such as herbs, nutrition advice, supplements etc. In addition to providing dietary advice and creating treatment plans using natural interventions such as vitamins or herbs; our naturopaths can also administer prolotherapy and duralone injections which can be used for the treatment of acute or chronic musculoskeletal pain due to injury or degeneration. 

What is Prolotherapy? 

Prolotherapy (a form of regenerative injection therapy) is used for the treatment of soft tissue injuries such as sprains/strains as well as chronic conditions like arthritis and tendinopathy. This type of treatment involves injecting compounds such as dextrose (sugar water) into injured areas so that the body triggers its own healing mechanisms by stimulating new cell growth around the area that was injected. This process can help improve joint stability while reducing pain and inflammation associated with the injury.  

What is Duralone? 

Duralone (also known as hyaluronic acid) is a naturally occurring substance found within our bodies that helps lubricate joints and provide cushioning between bones thus reducing impact forces during activities like running or jumping. As we age however this substance begins to decrease leading to increased friction resulting in pain and mobility issues especially in larger weight bearing joints like hips or knees. By administering duralone injections directly into affected areas our naturopaths can help decrease pain symptoms while improving joint mobility allowing you get back into activities faster with less discomfort than before!  

Integrative Care Under One Roof 

At Qi Integrated Health we strive to provide integrative care under one roof so that you don't have to go from specialist provider A for diagnosis B then specialist provider C for treatment D etc.. Instead we bring everything together so that each member of your care team works together towards your common goal – getting you back out there doing what you love! 

By combining the two modalities we are confident our patients will experience accelerated recovery times while minimizing their risk for further injury down the road. Seeing these two practitioners together under one roof provides seamless integration of services which leads to more comprehensive care for athletes with musculoskeletal injuries or chronic pain issues. It also allows the practitioners to collaborate more closely when discussing treatment options that work best for your specific condition or situation. 

We believe everyone deserves personalized care tailored specifically towards their individual needs which is why we offer both physiotherapy services as well as naturopathy services under one roof! From receiving manual therapies from our physiotherapists; nutritional counselling from our naturopaths; receiving prolotherapy/duralone injections; having an acupuncture session to reduce inflammation – whatever your needs may be rest assured knowing that at Qi Integrated Health you will receive the highest quality care possible!

For more information on these services, please feel free to reach out to a member of our team by emailing us at or by booking in with one of these talented practitioners below.


Explore the Various Injection Treatments Offered at Qi Integrated Health 


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