Andrew Gross

R.Ac, B.Sc(Hons)

Digestive and mental health are 2 of the main pillars on which our entire well-being rests. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) provides a path to healing, complementary to Western medicine. 

With treatment methods ranging from Acupuncture, Guasha, Cupping, Tuina & Acupressure, as well as TCM-focused lifestyle guidance, I can help you build a foundation of good health and wellbeing. 

In my own healing journey, I experienced the amazing power of TCM. It helped me recover from a severe injury and improved my circulation, pain, sleep, mood and mental state during a challenging and dark period of my life. 

I’m an athlete at heart, so returning to a state where I could once again engage in my active lifestyle brought spark and meaning back to my life. The experience showed me just how much I wanted to help others in the same way. 


Mia Capozzi


Shira Bregman